Have you suffered a work-related accident and are now struggling to get the compensation you deserve? Injuries cause enough hurt, you should not also have to go through a painful claim process. Here are three steps to help make filing your claim go smoothly:
1. Make Sure You Qualify
Before filing a claim, check that you are eligible for the compensation you are requesting. Your claim could be denied if your injuries stem from the following:
- Violence (that you initiated)
- Disregard for company policies
- Illegal activity
- Working under the influence of drugs or alcohol
If your injuries did not occur at your place of business, but you feel your job has severely affected your mental health to the point of being unable to continue working, you might be eligible for Social Security disability. Consult with Iowa disability lawyers to see if you qualify.
2. Understand Your Injuries
Before filing a claim, you need to evaluate the grief your injuries have caused you. If you have been burned, consider the lasting consequences this affliction might have. If you have suffered orthopedic injuries, do not forget the medical bills addressing these injuries most likely accrued. Stress injuries, such as carpal tunnel, are also eligible for compensation. When filing, make sure you are specific about your circumstances.
3. Be Prepared To Take Further Action
It is not uncommon for employers to try and fire those who file a workers' compensation claim. However, it is not within their right to do so. If you are terminated on account of your claim, take immediate action. You can take your employer to civil court and be further compensated for this unjust discrimination.
Be smart when it comes to filing a workers' compensation claim. You did not deserve to be injured, but you do deserve to be appropriately compensated for your pain.